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When i'm coding i'll try to be on IRC: #craftinspace on irc.chatnet.org

Thursday 22 March 2012

More progress

Hmmm, if the coding keeps at this tempo, it might be better to create a change log and link to it! Anyway, here's a list of updates from last evening's coding:

1. Added a music controller to manage background music in game
2. Updated the sound controller to manage in game sound effects
3. Added in code for 3D positioning of sound effects around player and at distance

Selection Block
1. Fixed a bug to stop selection when player isn't in range of a block, or not pointing to one
2. Fixed a bug where the selection block remains highlighting the previous dug out block

1. Added a particle system
2. Added digging particles when digging blocks

1. Added a liquid controller to manager flowing of water when digging out around water. Water now flows into the empty space that is left

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